191 research outputs found

    Non-linear spin to charge conversion in mesoscopic structures

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    Motivated by recent experiments [Vera-Marun et al., arXiv:1109.5969], we formulate a non-linear theory of spin transport in quantum coherent conductors. We show how a mesoscopic constriction with energy-dependent transmission can convert a spin current injected by a spin accumulation into an electric signal, relying neither on magnetic nor exchange fields. When the transmission through the constriction is spin-independent, the spin-charge coupling is non-linear, with an electric signal that is quadratic in the accumulation. We estimate that gated mesoscopic constrictions have a sensitivity that allows to detect accumulations much smaller than a percent of the Fermi energy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic bipolar transistor

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    A magnetic bipolar transistor is a bipolar junction transistor with one or more magnetic regions, and/or with an externally injected nonequilibrium (source) spin. It is shown that electrical spin injection through the transistor is possible in the forward active regime. It is predicted that the current amplification of the transistor can be tuned by spin.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Temperature dependent asymmetry of the nonlocal spin-injection resistance: evidence for spin non-conserving interface scattering

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    We report nonlocal spin injection and detection experiments on mesoscopic Co-Al2O3-Cu spin valves. We have observed a temperature dependent asymmetry in the nonlocal resistance between parallel and antiparallel configurations of the magnetic injector and detector. This strongly supports the existence of a nonequilibrium resistance that depends on the relative orientation of the detector magnetization and the nonequilibrium magnetization in the normal metal providing evidence for increasing interface spin scattering with temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PRL, minor corrections (affiliation, acknowledgements, typo

    Dynamical Susceptibility in KDP-type Crysals above and below Tc II

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    The path probability method (PPM) in the tetrahedron-cactus approximation is applied to the Slater-Takagi model with dipole-dipole interaction for KH2PO4-type hydrogen-bonded ferroelectric crystals in order to derive a small dip structure in the real part of dynamical susceptibility observed at the transition temperature Tc. The dip structure can be ascribed to finite relaxation times of electric dipole moments responsible for the first order transition with contrast to the critical slowing down in the second order transition. The light scattering intensity which is related to the imaginary part of dynamical susceptibility is also calculated above and below the transition temperature and the obtained central peak structure is consistent with polarization fluctuation modes in Raman scattering experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Electrical characteristics of spark generators for automotive ignition

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    This paper reports the results of an extensive program of measurements on 11 ignition systems differing widely in type. The results serve primarily to give representative data on the electric and magnetic constants of such systems, and on the secondary voltage produced by them under various conditions of speed, timing, shunting resistance, etc. They also serve to confirm certain of the theoretical formulas which have been proposed to connect the performance of such systems with their electrical constants, and to indicate the extent to which certain simplified model circuits duplicate the performance of the actual apparatus
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